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datalabX – a laboratory information system that grows with your ideas

The software department of Bartelt GmbH has been working for over 30 years on LIMS / LIS laboratory software solutions for clinical diagnostic hospital laboratories.
Our datalabX product, a laboratory information system (LIS) that fulfils all the demand on a modern solution, is running problem free on a daily basis in more than 20 hospitals in Austria.

datalabX the better laboratory system is tangible reality

  • better system integration
  • better individual customisation
  • better provess management
  • datalabX is affordable to own, operate and maintain

Cost effective

datalabX LIS is far more affordable because it runs securely on inexpensive standard hardware and without restrictions. We use only industry standards for operating systems and databases. Therefore, users and system administrators can work in a familiar environment.


datalabX LIS is fast and reliable. The laboratory software avoids process bottlenecks by making optimum use of the latest load-balancing software technology. The critical interaction between the hot and the analytical instruments is outsourced to the laboratory device server and thus, redundancy and system load sharing is guaranteed.

Holds its value

Thanks to its modularity and scalability,datalabX LIS can match any change in your laboratory, and is continuously being improved.
datalabX LIS also provides extension modules such as datalabXdepot and datalabXpoct which can be upgraded at any time as needed which enhances the economic and operational benefits of the existing installation. Both modules are available as a stand-alone or as an integrated solution.


Thanks to its system architecture datalabX LIS can be flexibly, easily and quickly integrated into existing HIS structures. Even the customer-specific adaptations that are always needed can be realized at a reasonable cost, thanks to the system architecture.

Easy to use

datalabX LIS  has been developed with a strong focus on the development target of offering maximum ease of use and usability, thanks to a clear and simple screen design.


datalabX LIS can be operated in several languages simultaneously.


You can find product information for datalabX to download here:


Do you have any questions about our laboratory software datalabX?

Give us a call or send us an email – we are happy to help you.


Contact: bartelt IT Sales

Robert Löscher, engineer Tel.: +43(0) 699-10569422